Friday, July 1, 2022

Jack is Back

     I call the writer in my head Jack. Jack and I had a bad break up a while ago. He tried to weasel back into my brain and heart, but Suzy Home Maker kicked him hard to the curb. Told Jack when he actually had a story and was going to do some actual writing, she'd think about it. Jack went away. Jack stayed gone for a long time. I packed all the stories, the notes, the research ... everything. Gave it away or threw it in the trash. We did not expect to see Jack again. I forgot the kind of character Jack really is.

    Jack is conniving. He sent Suzy Homemaker a ticket for a cruise. Suzy accepted the ticket. Chilling out on the beaches beat cleaning house any day of the week. Between you and me, I suspect Jack was also on the cruise and pushed Suzy over board. I haven't seen or heard from her since she left.

    Meanwhile, Jack is back. And it seems he is trying to work. Bedlam Mary is on the front burner. It looks good, but ... Jack is insisting I do my part. Says he won't do it all on his own. I suppose if I want the story completed,  I'll have to be a team player. If only he hadn't gotten rid of the housekeeper. 

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